Wednesday 21 March 2007

Around Australia 2007: Day 1

"Pre-trip I have found some of our diary entries from our 2007 Australian trip.  I have already posted two letters here and here that ..."
The mother, Emma Hazell, decided she would blog some of my thoughts on our 2007 trip around Australia.  She got this first one out but I quickly snatched my travel diary back from her desk.  With her new found blogging phase I was a little suspicous that she was using MY writing and posting it on the internet.  So now its my job to post it. 
"Day 1 Wednesday 21st March 21/3/07
Dear Diary
Day 1 and we're off. FINALLY. It took us ages and ages to pack and get everything ready. Mum had to vacuum all the rooms then mop the hard floors as well.  It was 1:15 by the time we were on the road and then we went and got lunch at KFC. It was well into the afternoon before we got to Casino.
I finished 2 pages in my maths book on the way here and I watched most of EMMA on our portable DVD player.
I helped to put up the tent and set up camp.
Next to us is a couple from Texas. You can tell they are from America because of their accents. They are very nice and talk to us. They said goodbye when they left this morning.
Last night I had a good sleep except that I didn't get to read so it was hard to get to sleep. There was a dark stinky pit toilet.
We had bacon and eggs for breakfast, but I didn't eat much because I don't eat much at breakfast.
I hope this will be fun
I laughed reading this, hopefully I've grown better at writing since 2007. :P

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