Saturday 9 November 2013

Dragonskin: City Rail to Campbelltown

Besides only just catching the 8:03 train we were excited. Between Central and Campbelltown there was about an hour to kill.

On the third carriage and just before Strathfield I submit to being tagged with sharpies in bemusement. VIRGIN in capital letters is written by the girl with a shaved head and SLUT on her arm. My companions also get SLUT and it seems that a tagging frenzy has begun. I become a member of Hayden's army in open rebellion against Flynn's forces. Several others see our uniforms and leave their marks on our arms.

The city rail is clogged with us all in matching shirts, clots of hiking packs lounging across double seats. Anticipation hums beneath the surface and mingles with the efficient static of the train like a badly kept secret .
We see scarves of many colours on our journey down the train. They all bear the purple script saying "Maddie xx" down their arms and we're searching for this mystery girl who could complete our team. Pushing through the narrow doors my sleeping roll gets stuck again and again then finally releases me into the shifty ledges between cars. At stations we play leapfrog, rushing from one carriage to the next in a search that seems fruitless once we reach the first carriage. Is this some elaborate hoax?

Finally back on the third carriage we find her- not exactly what I was expecting. The script and her movement down the train had put in my mind the image of a small, lithe girl terribly excited, enthusiastic, entirely sociable. Instead we introduce ourselves to a farm-girl, heavy set with similar thick-necked companions. But here we have it-the completion of our half-abandoned team. Sure enough we're in, its done and my two friends lose their interest.

They slouch so much like gear, no doubt worn out from a sleepless night upon our other train; oh well, they're sluts and have been this way before. But me-m I can't stop looking at that first word on my arm and am filled with buzz; I can't sit still. Out of my pack I pull a precious, terrible prize. Fire-engine red its an amazing opportunity- to meet new people as a scrawl my name across their skin.

Dragonskin: 4 days, a 1 000 teenagers, one forest. Can't wait for next year- a birthday, easter and Dragonskin all at once :D  

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