Tuesday 31 January 2017

Aloft in the dark and topsy turvy -2- Young Endeavour Voyage

1827 31/1/17

Watches Kept:
  • 0000-0400 Middle watch a.k.a. "the guts"
  • 1200-1600 Afternoon watch

  • Was watch leader for white
  • Undid gaskets on t'gallant s'il
  • learnt how to set square s'ils
  • 1st round of rope races
  • chef's assistant
Imogen and me, climbing in the dark.  Photo credit: Jimmy Potter

How am I feeling?
Still very glad I haven't succumbed to seasickness, however there were a few dizzy moments while idle below deck.  But right now the wind is still pushing us along quickly and the sun is shining so I'm happy.  Proud that I climbed to and undid the gaskets (the ropes holding the sail down) so high up on a tilting ship.  

The seasickers all lined up on the lee side of the deck and slept like the dead there.  They still look utterly hopeless.  The ones who didn't lie in the string of 5-8 people but sat up, staring silently at the horizon, were almost worse.  

Though of course the MOST exciting thing was undoing the gaskets on the t'gallant.  It was by far the scariest thing I've ever done.  

View of the deck from aloft.  Photo credit: Jimmy Potter


  1. Replies
    1. Absolutely. You can hopefully depend on rock faces not to move.
