Wednesday 1 February 2017

Beautiful Binalong -3- Young Endeavour Voyage

2200 1/2/17

Watches Kept:

  • prev. day 2000-0000 First Watch
  • 0800-1200 Morning Watch

  • sea-furled the course sail (tied it up)
  • shore trip to beautiful Binalong
  • 3-way chats
  • changed positions to near St Helens
Course yard is the lowest horizontal beam, but it has the biggest and heaviest square sail. Photo credit: Jimmy Potter
How am I feeling?
Great, the vibe on the ship is fantastic with no one sick now that we've reached the eastern side of Tassie.  

Our watch had the fastest speed/furthest distance travelled last night (29.9 nm or 7.5 kts the whole way).  

The crust of salt on my rain jacket after being left out on
 deck in Bass Strait.  I could never forget that it was salt water that
 was spraying across the ship.  It would dry on all surfaces into salt
and sting my face.  
Food is a great joy atm, the cook Marcos is fantastic (I was galleyhand yesterday and this morning).  Makes not being sick double worth it.  

Binalong was beautiful: turquoise water and fiery orange moss on the rocks and white-white sand.  The bay was called the Bay of Fires, which could have been due to the moss (but actually because there were fires blazing on the shore when the English decided to name it). Had a lovely mocha from the restaurant and sat in the sun on the beach.  The wind and swell had picked up by the return trip in the shore boat and I was splashed all over with salt.


  1. What delicious food did they feed you?

    Always knew you were a bit of a lead foot.

    1. At one point Marcos asked what I liked to eat. I replied tuna bake and that became that nights dinner :)

      "lead foot" is one metaphor that definitely does not apply to the nautical scene. Perhaps "too much sail area" should replace it?
