Tuesday 7 February 2017

Chilly Challenges - 8 - Young Endeavour Voyage


(written 7/2/ 0325)

Watches Kept:

  • 0000-0400 Middle Watch (a.k.a the Guts)

  • keeping warm on guts watch again
  • hammock built to sustain 21 youthies
  • I lectured on crochet
  • assaulted Kingston Beach
  • command day finished - handover and debrief
  • Jimmy (an egg version of our watch leader) jumped and did not make it
  • learnt astronavigation basics
How am I feeling?
Fatigue and cold really set in for the guts watch and continued as we weighed anchor at Kingston Beach.  

Command Day was challenging on so many bizarre front that on debrief and hindsight I can be really impressed at human perseverance and the necessity to keep learning and adapting as a team, thanks to increased multi-directional communication.

Morale was pretty low over the 24 hours but as with all challenges we've convinced ourselves that it was amazing and rewarding even if oftimes our mood swayed from hating cold to pessimism about seemingly pointless activities.  

Its proper wintry weather here now, exposed on the water.  Kingston Beaches lights cluster like fairies or fireflies on the shores in many directions.  


  1. We stayed in a house over looking Kingston Beach. Dad and I walked that beach a couple of times. We had dinner at one of the beach front eateries.
    Our house had amazing views over the water.

    1. Sounds amazing, it was a pretty beautiful spot.
