Saturday 4 February 2017

Sunrise Dolphins and Sunset Ghosts -6- Young Endeavour Voyage

1747 4/2/2017

Watches Kept:

  • 0400-0800 Morning Watch
Sunrise behind the ship.  Photo credit: Sammie Costin

Unconsecrated church Port Arthur.  Photo Credit: Jimmy Potter
  • Talked about teamwork
  • Apples and Onions (Brought up Good and Not so Good things about people in our group)
  • elections for command day
  • demonstrational tacks (seeing how tacking works from the bridge)
  • Came in to Port Arthur
  • Ghost Tour
Preserved house Port Arthur.  Photo Credit: Jimmy Potter
How am I feeling?
Not scared by the ghost tour although the room in the parsonage was pretty creepy.  Great hot chocolate on return to the ship.  

Feeling pretty confident on the calls for setting (bringing out so you can sail) and furling (putting away) sails but I will inevitably make some mistake.  That's okay, I'm sure we'll all make mistakes.  

Land dizziness is crazy! (You get seasickness moving from land to sea and moving back the other way you start rocking back and forth on land.)

I chucked up my hand for sail master (I was getting pretty keen for it after demonstrational tacks) but Gus (a more experienced boater) got the vote.  I did get watch leader though.  It was disheartening to see the factions created by the watches (red, white and blue).  

A pod of large dolphins greeted us in the morning and some seals watched out adventure past Tasman island.  
Tasman Passage.  The seals were too shy to be photographed. Photo Credit: Jimmy Potter


  1. we will have to compare notes on Port Arthur. We did the day tour and you did the night tour.

    1. Did yours involve murders and ghosts?

    2. Not so much. More the daily life of the convicts. The story about the Anglican minister was funny. He declared all Catholics were spawn of the devil and so the Catholics needed to have their own church built.

    3. Haha our guide wouldn't take us into the asylum but we stood inside in unconsecrated church.
