Friday 3 February 2017

Swimming in a Wineglass -5- Young Endeavour Voyage

2030 3/2/17

Watches Kept:

  • 1800-2000 Last Dog

  • Early morning swing off course yard
  • Then in to the beach
  • Climbed Dove Mountain to lookout
  • Weighed anchor about 1400
  • Will sail overnight
  • Massive nap
  • Dolphins

Swimming in Wineglass Bay before being ferried back to the ship. Guess which person is me.  Photo Credit: Jimmy Potter

How am I feeling?
Waking up to "Take a chance on me" was fantastic. 

Wineglass Bay was beautiful so I went for a swim up to the waist (still pretty cold) before coming back.  

Watched dolphins from the bowsprit - its so cool that every day they have come to see us and swim in the wave before the prow.  

Found a pink bruise over my eye; guessing I was elbowed while heaving in on the sheets (though I didn't notice at the time). 

Water was cool but not as icy as Lake Macquarie in winter.  

Contemplating positions for command day (when youth crew take control of the ship for 24h).  I like having a bit of responsibility but total decision making scares me a bit.  Still I'm thinking Sail Master (second-in-command), Navigator or Watch leader (manages one of the three watches (or groups) of deck hands whilst its their turn on watch).  I'd also be find to be a basic deckhand.

View of Wineglass Bay from the lookout.  Photo Credit: Jimmy Potter

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