Friday 3 February 2017

Sailing made Easy -4- Young Endeavour Voyage

(written 2030 3/2/17)

Watches Kept:

  • anchor watch 0100-0200
  • 1600-1800 First Dog
  • anchor watch 2200-2300 (means uninterrupted sleep Yay!)

  • weighed anchor at St Helens point (i.e. pulled up the anchor to leave)
  • sailed to wineglass bay, manning the helm as we entered
  • watched film about Peking (fully rigged barque ship)
Photo from:

How am I feeling? 
So tired by the time I got to bed. 

Setting the sails and climbing the masts in the morning was a good workout, stretched out all my muscles.  I did some stretching nearing sunset in wineglass which was much needed.  

The size and beating that the Peking took (in the film) was incredible.  

Climbed the tops'il yard (the middle one) to undo gaskets and it was stupidly easy after the high seas.  Helming in to wineglass was a huge highlight and the view of the whole coast was beautiful.  Sat on the bowsprit for a full hour, watching the other boats around us, including the "Enterprise", a smaller, tubbier tall ship.
I think this is by the entrance to Wineglass Bay.  Photo credit: Jimmy Potter

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