Tuesday 7 February 2017

Storm Bay Command Day- 7 - Young Endeavour Voyage


(written 0318 7/2/2017)

Watches Kept:

  • 0300-0400 Anchor watch

  • Rest up
  • Hand-over to youth crew (start 24h of youth command)
  • Retrieve command day instructions from Isle of Dead
  • Photo of everyone aloft
  • Chalk mural
  • woken up for tacks at 2100 and 2300
I decided waking up via swing into the Tasmanian sea was actually not the bet so I resisting urging to jump in.  

Up the mast an icy wind buffets us, chilling us, youth prepared for milder conditions.  It was a sign of what was to come.  As streaks of white foam painted lines across the increasing bay swell we held on for dear life.   Entering Storm Bay once more we reached rocky seas again.  

That was fine but on waking up for the first tack we found the rain was all too ready to soak our gear and at times the ship seemed like to throw us.  The frigid winds sapped my enthusiasm for the adventure although being responsible for calling the jib was a highlight.  Even with my breaking sleepy voice I directed the crew to heave it in against violent 30 kt winds with shouts of "2, 6, Heave!"


  1. Heave Away, Haul Away! Bound for South Australia.

  2. South Australia? I guess it is pretty south :P
